Cable Engineers Marketing appeal

Top link architects may demand that they're not too stressed over losing their industry's innovative edge to the enormous local telephone organizations. Be that as it may, they're certainly stressed over losing their advertising edge to the Baby Bells. That dread obviously surfaced a week ago at the SCTE's Cable-Tec Expo in San Antonio. Tony Werner, senior VP and CTO of Liberty Media, freely communicated the worry at a general session of driving link technologists. Despite the fact that he contended that link's present half and half fiber-cajole (HFC) systems could coordinate the fiber-rich systems that the Bells are currently assembling, he uninhibitedly yielded that the telcos' fiber plans could stop people in their tracks. 'Fiber offers no mechanical favorable position to talk about,' Werner said pompously. 'Fiber is a business term.' But, he noted, it could be an outrageously compelling deals term. 'Indeed, even my grandmother realizes fiber is acceptable,' he joked, drawing chuckles from the group. Werner called for link administrators to rival the telephone organizations on the promoting front by making 'provocative' new names for their systems and items. 'We have to think of better promoting  help desk technican terms for our systems,' he said. 'FTTH (fiber-to-the-home) intrigues individuals; it just sounds great. We must have something that sounds as great or better.'


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